Standardize your investigation process with pre-built customizable forms for any incident type, including structure fires, wildfires, compartment fires, vehicle fires, and more.
Critical Scene Details
Document critical scene and property information, including weather conditions, property value, and occupancy details.
Critical Incident Evidence
Ensures investigations are thorough and all files are in one place. Attach evidence directly to the investigation documentation and capture the responsible investigator with the chain of custody.
Capture Persons Involved
Capture all persons involved, including witnesses and casualties. Document a complete head to toe examination of injuries and trauma.
Capture Agencies Involved
Document investigation resources and capture agencies involved along with detailed narratives.
Comprehensive Investigation Records Management
Ditch bulky binders and store post-fire incident documentation in one central system.
Detailed Records
Automatically store and access a complete list of your fire investigations in one place. Use robust filters to quickly search your log by incident type, location, and investigator.
Saved Views
Create custom views that keep the investigations that matter most to your investigators at their fingertips.
Export Records
Export records from First Due to easily access and print critical data whenever needed.
Powerful Forms
Customize your printable reports using the form builder. Hand pick information and create professional investigation reports fit for any agency.
Seamless NFIRS Connectivity & Compliance
Keep your incident records and fire investigation records connected.
Built-In NFIRS Records
Your NFIRS records are always on hand when completing an investigation. Quickly access critical incident information without shuffling through paperwork or software logs.
NFPA Standards
Documentation and reports follow NFPA921 standards.
Roles & Permissions
With permission settings, you can ensure only the appropriate fire marshals and investigators can access and authorize records.
See how it works!
Fire Investigations
Fully integrate pre-planning into your fire inspection process with First Due's pre-incident planning features built into prevention-focused workflows.
Knowledge isn't just power; it's life safety. First Due delivers the Fire & EMS industry's best pre-planning solution that helps keep crews and citizens safe.
Community Connect allows residents to create a household life safety profile in minutes. In addition, First Due provides your agency with marketing resources to promote and drive ongoing engagement.
Get real-time insight and statistics on apparatus and equipment health, usage, and compliance—seamlessly linked to First Due's scheduling and incident reporting modules.